Student Boot Camp

Successful completion of student digital storytelling contests was a precondition for following activities when the 21 students (winners of the contest, 3 students per Asian partner) have acted act as learners and contributors to Boot Camp.

Student Boot Camp was organised by Varna University of Management and held in  VUM Campus in Dobrich (Bulgaria), 2-21 July, 2023.

Student Boot Camp was a SYNERGY action between two CBHE projects, namely HARMONY  and FRIENDs project.

The student training event was conducted with the aims to:

  •  Build the 21 Asian HEIs students’ intercultural competence and to foster their intercultural communication skills
  •  Train and equip the 21 Student Boot Camp participants with practical skills and knowledge in the fields of
    cross-cultural studies and communication, creativity and innovation, arts management, event management, project management, leadership, student engagement that are necessary for their roles of FRIENDS Teahouses’ co-managers and key contributors
  •  Empower the 21 Student Boot Camp participants to act as leaders and co-creators of their HEIs’ extracurricular agenda across campus
  •  Promote the European Union’s values of tolerance, inclusion, cultural diversity, multiculturalism.

Intercultural competence


Diversity International and Intercultural Festival