Project Partners

University of Zaragoza, SPAIN

Full Name in the national language: Universidad de Zaragoza
Acronym: UNIZAR
Project coordinator: Prof. Drs. Rafael de Miguel González and Juan Vallés Brau
Telephone: +34876554845
University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) is a public higher education and research institution in the service of society, and combining a tradition of over 500 years of history with constantly updated teaching approach.
With a main campus in the city of Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain), it carries out intense teaching and research activities. It has been one of the first universities to adapt to the European Higher Education Area and is at the forefront of international mobility, offering bachelor degrees, masters, and doctorates adapted to the European Higher Education Area. 37,000 students. 3,800 teachers and research staff.
In 2010 it was recognised as an International Campus of Excellence (IBERUS CAMPUS: Ebro Valley International Campus of Excellence). The University’s research work has increased significantly in recent years, giving it national and international recognition. It is the 7th largest Spanish university in terms of scientific and academic production. Our collaboration policy with companies and organisations poses one of our main challenges: integrating students into the workforce through lifelong training.
A large part of the University’s research activity is channelled through the research groups. The Research Ministry recognised and funded 201 research groups from the university. These groups are actively involved in regional, national, and European research programmes and produce highly satisfactory results with a total of 509 projects and 409 contracts and agreements per year. European projects office at UNIZAR has a strong operational capacity managing several EU funded projects and H2020 projects: participation at 196 European projects, of which 51 as coordinator. International scope of UNIZAR is focused in the Europan Union
(1400 Erasmus+ billateral agrements, European University – UNITA Consortium), Latin America and China (Confucius Institute).
Rafael de Miguel González. Professor of Geography Education, University of Zaragoza
- Vice Dean of International Relations at the Faculty of Education and Confucius Institute Director.
- Manager of higher education agreements and international programs with more than 40 countries worldwide.Visiting professor at 24 universities in Europe, the United States, Latin America and China.
- Coordinator of undergraduate and graduate programs for Geography and History teacher training.
- Fellow of Aragón University Institute of Environmental Sciences (IUCA). Head of research group of action Campus Iberus GEOT-DS and member of ARGOS.
- Researcher in three fields of geography: Geographical education, Urban geography, urban and regional planning, Geopolitics in a global world.
175 publications (26 in WOS or SCOPUS): articles, books, chapters, proceedings. - Top 20 worldwide, geography education at Google scholar.
- Director of the Editorial Series Key Challenges in Geography (Springer).
Top 5 books authored and edited in Springer or Cambridge S.P. , more than 40,000 downloads - 120 papers and presentations at national and international conferences: IGU, AAG, EUROGEO, AGE, AUPDCS. President of scientific and organising commitees, keynote speaker, panellist.
- Researcher at 63 projects, national (35) and international (28). Principal Investigator and coordinator of 26 projects (5 national; 21, European Commission funded).
- Director of Digital Atlas for Schools at Esri, National Award. International Awards: BELMA, EACEA, GEOSPATIAL WORLD FORUM
- Member, Academia Europaea. First Spanish researcher to join section A.2.1 (education).
- Fellow member, Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Luis.
- Board member, Royal Geographical Society of Spain.
- Regional contact for Spain, Geographical Education Commission of the International Geographical Union. Contributor to the IGU Centennial Book.
- President of the European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO)
EUROGEO representative in the European Alliance for the Social Sciences and the Humanities - EUROGEO Representative in the United Nations (UNHABITAT HPF; Comission of Social Development; NGO Committee) and the Council of Europe Landscape Convention.
- Former Advisor to the Regional Government of Aragon.
- Former Councilor of the Zaragoza City Council, in charge of Urban planning and Housing municipal commision.
Juan Antonio Vallés Brau. Full Professor in Optics (more than 33 years of teaching experience)
- ViceDean International of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza.
- Coordinator of the undergraduate program for Optics and Optometry
- Coordinator of more than 20 projects (research, teaching innovation, internationalization and development cooperation) and coauthor of more than 60 JCR papers.
European Policy Development and Research Institute, SLOVENIA

Full Name in the national language: Evropskega inštituta za razvoj in raziskave
Acronym: EPDRI
Project coordinator: Dr. Olesea SIRBU
Telephone: +37360608804
Areas of specific expertise and competence: 1) Policy development and research in the main focus areas; 2) Promotion, coordination, development, and evaluation activities in international cooperation; 3) Development of education, training, communication, and research that are directed to respond to the needs of the social, economic, and cultural development; 4) Collaboration in the creation and management of teaching, research, development and innovation centers; 5) Enhancement of knowledge transfer from the University through advice, encouragement and participation of companies for the use, dissemination and commercialization of knowledge; 7) Organization of dissemination activities (scholarships, contests, seminars, courses, conferences, academic meetings etc.).
Dr. Olessea holds 15 years of extensive professional and managerial experiences in coordination of wide-scale international projects.
Varna University of Management, BULGARIA

Full Name in the national language: Висше училище по мениджмънт
Acronym: VUM
Project coordinator: Christina Armutlieva
Telephone: . +359 52 300 680
VUM is the legal successor of International University College, which was founded in 1999 and converted into a university of applied sciences type of HEI in May 2015. VUM is a private business school with approx. 800 students, over 25% of them being international and coming from more than 40 countries around the world. VUM is specialised in social sciences and offers undergraduate and master programmes in International Business and Management, Business Administration, Software Engineering, Business Information Systems and Tourism and Hospitality. At VUM, all study programmes are fully delivered in English and lead to the award of double degrees offered in collaboration with various universities in the EU and beyond. Over the last 10 years, VUM has embraced internationalisation as a horizontal policy underpinning all institutional activities and domains. VUM has an extensive and sophisticated network of active academic partners in over 60 countries on five continents incl. Asia. For the last four years, VUM has been among the largest beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme (ICM) in Bulgaria. Since ICM launch in 2015, in the framework of five consecutive projects, VUM has facilitated over 450 inbound student and staff mobilities from more than 40 universities in 25 countries worldwide. A large majority of the Partner Country HEIs involved in VUM ICM projects are long-term partners the university has collaborated with in the framework of various capacity building aimed projects. These include, inter alia, the Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education (La MANCHE) Tempus IV project (530621), as well as the Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems to Enhance Higher Education Value-Added for Better Graduate Employability (BEEHIVE) currently ongoing Erasmus+ CBHE project (573936), both coordinated by VUM. The long-term efforts and commitment of VUM to in-depth internationalisation of the university’s curriculum, campus and community have been also internationally recognised and validated. In 2019, for a third year in a row U-Multirank placed VUM among the best 25 performers worldwide in terms of student mobility.
Christina Armutlieva is Director of International Cooperation and institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator at VUM. She holds an M.A. in Hungarian Language and Literature and Finno-Ugrian Linguistics. Prior to starting working for VUM, for 6 years Christina had worked as lecturer in the fields of linguistics at her alma mater the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Her research interests include minority language rights and policies in Scandinavia with concentration on Saami languages, as well as Finno-Ugrian minority languages’ political status and revitalisation processes in Russia. She joined the team of VUM in 2008 and since then she has been coordinating the academic mobility projects and the International Cooperation Department activities at VUM. Currently, she is in charge of various Erasmus+ ICM projects facilitating large number of inbound student and staff mobilities from more than 40 universities in 25 countries worldwide. Christina is also Project Coordinator of the ongoing Erasmus+ CBHE BEEHIVE project and coordinated earlier the La MANCHE Tempus IV project (2012-2015).
Mykolas Romeris University, LITHUANIA

Full Name in the national language: Mykolo Romerio Universitetas
Acronym: MRU
Project coordinator: Audra Dargyte Burokiene
Telephone: . +37052714695
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) is a state university (public HE institution), focusing on social sciences, humanities and interdisciplinary research on Social Innovations for Global Growth. MRU enrols ~7500 students, incl. 600 international degree seeking and exchange students from over 40 countries, who study in the fields of Law, Management, Business, Political Science, Psychology, Languages, Public Security etc. ~200 doctoral students study in the fields of law, management, psychology, philology, economics, education, provided in consortiums with partners from Lithuania. Internationalization is embedded in the University’s strategy. The vision of MRU is focused on a sustainable, green university valuable both for the Lithuanian society and international community, providing international education in unity with high level research, educating highly qualified graduates for the needs of the state, labour market, and personal development, creating conditions for continuous personal learning and applying modern management principles in governance of the University. MRU is a member of IAU, EUA, AUF, and active in other key international organizations such as ASEF, cooperates with over 200 universities, public and business entities. Student and staff exchange, networks, EU, national and international programmes, including Erasmus+, H2020, NordPlus, COST – are some key factors for internationalization complemented by several joint and double degree programmes, English-taught programmes and courses for degree and credit mobility students.
Audra Dargytė Burokienė is head of International Office and institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator at MRU. She holds MA degree in Sociology, has over 15 years of experience in coordination and administration of Erasmus programme at MRU, also supervises bilateral student mobility programmes between MRU and non-European Universities. Experience from 1999 in administration of several international projects (Tempus, Erasmus IP, Erasmus CD, ESF for Lithuania funded project). Experience in coordination of ESF for Lithuania funded project at MRU for implementation of students and staff international internships platform, Erasmus Mundus KA2 project from 2011 (EMP-AIM partnership in Lot8). A contact and a resource person for several CPHE projects where MRU acted or acts as partner institution (ELEVATE, INTERADIS, HARMONY).
Daffodil International University, BANGLADESH

Full Name in the national language: ড্যাফোডিল ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি
Acronym: DIU
Project coordinator: Prof Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain
Telephone: . +8801713493250
Daffodil International University (DIU) is recognized in independent government assessments as one of top graded universities in Bangladesh. The university has been founded by Daffodil Group with the approval of the Ministry of Education under the Private University Act of 1992 and its amendment in 1998 and Daffodil International University came into being on 24th January 2002, the University today combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research with its proud heritage of service and achievement.
DIU has become one of the top universities in Bangladesh according to many national and international rankings, including QS, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking and Green metric for its green outlook. As per QS Asia University Rankings-2022, released on 2 November, 2021 results, DIU has achieved 3rd position among private universities in Bangladesh, a prestigious position (351-400) in Asia and High Research Intensity University recognition too. The aim or objective of DIU is to involve our student and academic staff with international activities to make them an international benchmark.
DIU is strategically located in Dhaka with an international environmental campus of 23,500+ students under five different faculties. DIU is highly international collaborations with around 440 universities all over the world and member of leading international organizations like AUPF, IIE, IAU, IAUP, AUAP, ACU, ALA, ACD, Magna Charta, ASEF, GEN, UNAI, APAIE, EURIE, ESRUC, GUNI, IEEE, ISTQB, ACE, NAFSA, EAIE, ATIFTAF, ITU, ACBSP, UNGC, UMAP, IFLA, WUACD, GUNI, SDSN, ASEF, AIESEC, ASECU, IETI, Future Team, SDG Helpdesk, EEUA etc.
To be among the very best in Bangladesh which is the most challenging goal, has been set for the university. This has done so because it is only through working we can achieve the very highest level of standards in curriculum, teaching, faculties and other activities that can realize the full potential of the academic community that is Daffodil International University. DIU’s mission is defined by its IT-based traditions of service and access. The University is serving the citizens of the country through its instructions, research, and outreach programs and preparing Bangladesh to respond successfully to the challenges of global economy. The University has proved that it provides students broad access to the institution’s educational resources. The University has paid the highest priority to resource allocation to graduate and post graduate education and for future development of those areas that represent the traditional strengths, quality, reputation, and uniqueness of the institution which continue to effectively respond to the needs of students and other constituents.
Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, has teaching experience for more than 28 years in the areas, such as, Computer Technology, Information System, Computer Architecture, Digital Electronics, Enterprise Networking, Telecommunication, e-commerce, e-
business, Quantitative methods, Decision Support System, Management Information System (MIS) both in Masters’ and bachelor programs. And also have experiences in research, academic management, administration and exam control process in different educational institutes both in Bangladesh & overseas. Dr. Hossain has successfully completed Ph.D. from University of Glamorgan in 1998 through ODASSS scholarship, UK. He has also completed his M.Sc and B.Sc (Hon) in Physics respectively year 1990 and 1989 from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
He was appointed as a research fellow in Boss Center at Dhaka University from 1991 to1993. Dr. Hossain has completed different overseas training on “Digital Telecommunication Technology” through AOTS scholarship in Japan 2000, training on “e-business Model and Strategy” through DGFKTC scholarship in South Korea 2004, “Asian Summer Program (ASP)” in University Malaysia Perlis (UniMap) in Malaysia 2014, IQAC training on “Quality Assurance in Higher Education” through Edu Leads Consulting in Malaysia 2015, “International Convention for Student Quality Circles (ICSQC)” in Sri
Lanka 2017 and Academic Staff exchange for “Quality Education” through Erasmus+ in Staffordshire University, UK 2018, To attend “Academic Staff Exchange” program at Chitkara University, India, October 2019. Also has supervised more than 30 projects in MSc in CSE, MS in MIS & MBA program awarded by Daffodil International University and also supervised more than 100 projects in B.Sc. in Computing and Information System (CIS) awarded by London Metropolitan University. He has more than 40 research publication in national & international journals and conferences in his credit.
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, BANGLADESH

Full Name in the national language: ইউনিভার্সিটি অব লিবারেল আর্টস বাংলাদেশ
Acronym: ULAB
Project coordinator: Prof Dr. Din Mohammad
Telephone: . +8801775447174
The University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) was founded by philanthropist Kazi Shahid Ahmed as a private university. The idea of the University was initiated at a public colloquium, in February of 2002, attended by leading academics, cultural figures, and entrepreneurs. The University was established with the objective of benefitting the higher education sector of Bangladesh by creating a competent workforce and informed citizens who are of service to the community, country, and the world. In this spirit, he created a place of learning where well-rounded students would be fully steeped in the values of their own heritage yet trained to face the modern global workplace. he University, under its Charter, is authorized to impart lessons and confer undergraduate and graduate degrees in all branches of arts, business, social sciences, and sciences; provides training through workshops, and conducts research in partnership with the relevant bodies.
ULAB incorporates the values of Liberal Arts and Sustainability into its curricula through its General Education Department. ULAB is a research-intensive University with multiple research opportunities for its faculty members and students made available through various Centers and Institutes.
Dr. Din Mohammad is the Director of the Center for Critical and Qualitative Studies (CQS) and a Professor of Media Studies and Journalism of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). He pursued his PhD in Cultural Studies from The University of Queensland, Australia. He has more than 20 years’ teaching experience in diverse disciplines, namely, Philosophy, South Asian Studies and Media Studies in different institutions of Bangladesh and Singapore. He has been promoted as the Professor of Media Studies and Journalism in 2017 and concurrently appointed as the Director of the Office of Faculty Research.
Dr. Mohammad has a diverse range of research interest and experience. He worked in several research projects funded by agencies and institutes at home and abroad including (but not limited to) University of Liverpool UK, University of Sussex UK, NIHR UK, AHRC-MRC UK, Internews, ESRC UK, USAID, WATERAID, Facebook etc.
The University of Danang, VIETNAM

Full Name in the national language: Đại học Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam
Acronym: UD
Project coordinator: MA. Ho Long Ngoc
Telephone: . +84905123320
The University of Danang (UD) is the biggest university in Central Vietnam, and one of the leading public universities in Vietnam. It is located close to many UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Hoi An ancient town, My Son sanctuary, Hue’s Imperial City and Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park. Being a multi-level, multi-disciplinary university, UD has over 50,000 full-time students including around 1,000 international students with 2,500 faculty & staff members. UD offers 134 undergraduate programs, 46 master’s training majors and 28 doctoral ones. UD’s synchronous management model commits the cooperation as a unified entity by UD’s members through principles of inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity with 6 member universities: University of Science and Technology, University of Economics, University of Science and Education, University of Foreign Language Studies, University of Technology and Education, Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, and seven affiliated units including one campus in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Defining a vision as being a top university in Vietnam and ranked among the top universities in Southeast Asia, UD has made its strong commitment to research in association with technology transfer in response for the societal demands. UD is ranked 3rd in the country in terms of the number training programs accredited by Southeast Asia standards (AUN-QA) and Europe (CTI). Specially, UD is always ranked in the top leading universities in Vietnam, maintaining its position in the Top 401-450 best universities in Asia (QS University Ranking-2018-2021), Top 6 leading universities in Vietnam on Webometrics Ranking (2021).
With the mission and great responsibility trusted by the Government and the Ministry of Education and Training, UD is geared towards becoming one of the three prestigious training and research hubs on a regional and global scale. UD will continue to affirm its international quality and prestige making a significant contribution to the process of integration and renovation of the country’s higher education.
Ms. Ho Long Ngoc, Vice Director of Department of International Cooperation at the University of Danang with more than 20 years of Internationalisation of higher education institutions, teaching and administrative experience. Ms. Ngoc is ready to work in a multidisciplinary knowledge team thanks to her skills in Leadership and Partnerships and rich experience on International projects, Erasmus Programme Coordinator, event management as well as a demonstrated history of working with local and international institutions, especially Embassies and Consulates for mutual cooperation and Networking.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quang Son is the Vice President of the UD in charge of research and international cooperation. He is also the Vice President of The Universities and Colleges Association of Vietnam and Vice President of Vietnam Association of Psychology VAP. Previously, he has taught and assumed some managerial positions at University of Science and Education – a member university of the UD.
Quang Binh University, VIETNAM

Full Name in the national language: Quang Binh University
Acronym: QBU
Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr Hoang Duong Hung, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Duc Vuong and Ma. Mai Thi Thuy Dung
Telephone: . +84903 503 583 +84902 209 065 +84898 636 826
QBU – Quang Binh University is a local university in the middle part of Quang Binh province which was founded on 24/10/2006. The headquarter address is 312 Ly Thuong Kiet, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh province.
– Mission: QBU is committed to producing high-qualified human resources mainly for Quang Binh, the neighboring provinces and the others nation-wide; concentrating on sciences and research activity enhancement, application and technology transference; promoting international cooperation and collaboration with foreign universities in training, research and culture exchanging. With the priority of enhancing quality in student learning, QBU strives to make more and more contributions to long-lasting and stable development of Quang Binh province and Vietnam nation.
– Vision: QBU will make a great effort to move toward a fully-developed and modern orientation; to become a highly qualified, reliable and reputed research and technology transfer center in comparison with nation-wide and world-wide universities; to make a big progress in higher education integration in the region and the world.
– Message from President: Since its establishment in 1959, Quang Binh University has grown from a small local school known as Secondary Education School to today’s coeducational comprehensive university founded pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No.237/QD-TTg in 2006, with a fall 2013 enrollment of 3000 students.
Slogan: “Quality Better US” – “QBU – Where the talents cultivated”.
Dr. Hoang Duong Hung (male, Assoc. Prof. Dr.) is a titled Associate Professor granted by the President of Poland and State Council for Professor Title of Vietnam professor in 2007. Currently, he has held many important positions in QBU organizational structure as Rector of QBU from 2011 and President of QBU from 2021. He worked as a lecturer at the University of Science and Technology – The University of Danang, Vietnam for 16 years. From 2002-2005 he was the Vice-Head of Heat Refrigeration Technology. Since he was the Rector of QBU from 2011, with the excellent capacity in higher education management along with his great contribution to QBU development and promotion, he has provided with many great learning and studying opportunities for lecturers, teachers, staff and students and bing positive changes in research and training quality and immpvative upgrade in facility condition. His scientific research interests consist of heat engineering, solar energy, thermal process automation. He has published 2 books, 4 course syllabus, 20 journal articles including 2 international journals. He has achieved many awards in teaching and research from the President, Minister of Training and Education.
Dr. Nguyen Duc Vuong (male, Assoc. Prof.Dr.) is Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Vuong (male, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof) is a titled associate professor granted by the President of Poland and State Council for Professor Title of Vietnam professor in 2013. He is currently the Rector of QBU. His personal characteristics of being persistent and decisive along with the great leadership and other soft skills establish him as a great model for colleagues and students to follow. He has been experienced in doing research, lecturing and has made such a great contribution to the development of QBU. He has participated in many national and provincial research projects, and published more than 100 journal articles in Chemistry. He has achieved many awards in teaching and research from the President, Minister of Training and Education
Ms. Mai Thi Thuy Dung has nearly 10 year experience working as an officer and English lecturer International Relation Office at QBU. In the background education, she gained Master of TESOL of a Joint program in 2016 from Hanoi University jointly with Victoria University of Melbourne Australia and gpt Bachelor of International Economics in 2012 from Vietnam National University. She attended various language teaching and linguistics conferences and numerous courses of training in international affairs and soft skills. Her knowledgeable capacity in linguistics, social sciences and international economics studies will facilitate the project implementation. Additionally, she has got experience in coordinating the international funding titled the English Access Microscholarship sponsored by American U.S Embassy 2018-2020 at QBU and will be the coordinator of the English Access Microscholarship in 2022-2023 at QBU. She has a great interest in developing the internationalization strategies of Quang Binh University in the next few years and promoting the local cultural characteristics of Quang Binh province and Vietnam to other international partners all over the world.
Vellore Institute of Technology, INDIA

Full Name in the national language: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
Acronym: VIT
Project coordinator: Prof.Dr.R.Seenivasan
Telephone: . +919362692821
VIT was established with the aim of providing quality higher education on par with international standards. It persistently seeks and adopts innovative methods to improve the quality of higher education on a consistent basis.The campus has a cosmopolitan atmosphere with students from all corners of the globe. Experienced and learned teachers are strongly encouraged to nurture the students. The global standards set at VIT in the field of teaching and research spur us on in our relentless pursuit of excellence. In fact, it has become a way of life for us. The highly motivated youngsters on the campus are a constant source of pride. Our Memoranda of Understanding with various international universities are our major strength. They provide for an exchange of students and faculty and encourage joint research projects for the mutual benefit of these universities. Many of our students, who pursue their research projects in foreign universities, bring high quality to their work and esteem to India and have done us proud. With steady steps, we continue our march forward. We look forward to meeting you here at VIT.It was established under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956, and was founded in 1984 as a self-financing institution called the Vellore Engineering College. The Union Ministry of Human Resources Development conferred University status on Vellore Engineering College in 2001. The University is headed by its founder and Chancellor, Dr. G. Viswanathan, a former Parliamentarian and Minister in the Tamil Nadu Government. In recognition of his service to India in offering world class education, he was conferred an honorary doctorate by the West Virginia University, USA
Dr.R.Seenivasan, Professor (Nanobiotechnology) & Deputy Director of International Relations with more than 25 years of research, teaching , Internationalisation of higher education institutions,and administrative experience.
Rich experience on International Students Recruitment , Action plan & Strategy, Institutional Erasmus Programme Coordinator with a demonstrated history of working with premier institutions in abroad,Strong Professional business development skills in Leadership and Partnerships, Working with Embassies and Consulates for mutual cooperation and Networking,Capacity Building on Higher Education and University Curriculum Development, International Funded Project Administration and International Research Cooperation with top Ranked Universities, Organising Winter and Summer Schools, Academic management, Research and Development, Technical Lecturing, Educational Technology by using different types of digital platforms,
SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (Deemed-to-be University) , INDIA

Full Name in the national language: SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (Deemed-to-be University) , INDIA
Acronym: SVKM’s NMIMS
Website project
Project coordinator: Ms. Meena Saxena
Telephone: . +919703415550
What started with baby steps in 1981, NMIMS has today emerged as a globally reputed university. Always socially conscious, the Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) made the decision to cater to the rising demand of management institutes in the country. This led to the birth of the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS). It began humbly by offering two-year full-time master’s programme in management studies with 4 full time faculty, 3162 books and an intake of 40 students above Bhaidas Hall, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai.
From its temporary location at Bhaidas auditorium, NMIMS moved to a large complex of over 5,50,000 sq feet where it stands today as a landmark in the heart of Mumbai at Vile Parle, an affluent suburb of the city.
Built on this inspiring legacy, today, NMIMS stands proud as a Deemed to be University offering multiple disciplines across multiple campuses. What started as an institute in a small building has caught the attention of the world, thanks to their 17 specialized schools. More than 17000 students and about 750 full-time faculty members, 10 faculty members with Fulbright Scholarship and Humboldt International Scholarship for post-doctoral researchers are part of India’s most sought after academic community. The consistent academic quality, research focus, faculty from top national and global institutes and strong industry linkages at NMIMS have placed it amongst the nation’s prime centers of educational excellence and research today.
Keeping pace with the ever-evolving education scenario and to meet international standards, NMIMS has taken major initiatives in terms of programs, curriculum development, international linkages, placements and students’ development. It has transformed into a globalized centre of learning, providing its students a balanced exposure to research, academics and practical aspects of the industry.
The meteoric growth of NMIMS is reflected in our core belief—that learning is most fruitful when knowledge and expertise of individuals from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds are shared. Diversity has always been the mainstay of the University as it provides a cutting edge to professional education.
Innovation is the key to progress in the modern world, and our pursuit of excellence, has led to constant upgrade and adding newer areas of education and research to make our programs more relevant. Harboring a sense of openness, participation and fairness has helped NMIMS build a culture that is conducive to learning and continuous growth.
We believe in equipping students with the knowledge and skills in their chosen streams, inculcate values, identify hidden talents, and provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential. We believe in nurturing a scientific spirit of inquiry among our students, and by providing value-based education, mould them into leaders and responsible citizens, who will go on to play the role of changemakers in society.
Meena Saxena is senior management education professional with over 3 decades of experience. She is currently Director of International Linkages, NMIMS Deemed to be University. In this capacity, Meena provides leadership to assist NMIMS University in becoming a dynamic global campus in terms of teaching, research agenda and strategic engagements.
Previously, Meena worked for more than nine years with the Indian School of Business, having been part of Centers for Teaching, Learning, and Case Development (CTLC), the Center for Leadership Innovation & Change, and the Faculty & Research & Alumni Relationships departments. Under Meena’s leadership, CTLC wrote and published over 150 case studies on Indian business practices, trained over 250 faculty members through case workshops, and hosted the ISB IVEY Global case competition. These cases have been published by two leading Global Publishing Houses – Harvard Business Publishing & Ivey Publishing.
Prior to joining ISB, she served as the Vice Principal of Management and Commerce faculty at Jai Hind College, Mumbai. From 2001 to 2004, she was the Assistant Dean of the Bombay School of Business, Hyderabad Sind National Collegiate Board. She earned her B.Com and M.Com degrees from Sydenham College, Mumbai University, as well as a Master’s degree in Management from New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
University of Hyderabad, INDIA

Full Name in the national language: हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय
Website project
Project coordinator: Prof. N. Siva Kumar
Telephone: . +919866481250
What started with baby steps in 1981, NMIMS has today emerged as a globally reputed university. Always socially conscious, the Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) made the decision to cater to the rising demand of management institutes in the country. This led to the birth of the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS). It began humbly by offering two-year full-time master’s programme in management studies with 4 full time faculty, 3162 books and an intake of 40 students above Bhaidas Hall, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai.
The University of Hyderabad is a central university founded in 1974 for teaching and research. It is now one of few universitites recognized as an Institution of Eminence.