About Harmony

Aims & Objectives
The HARMONY project aims to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of the higher education institutions in India, Bangladesh and Vietnam and to contribute to the cooperation between the European universities and Asian universities.
The HARMONY project aims to have an impact and trigger reform processes at institutional level in Asian Universities. Top managers of Higher Education Institutions will receive support for evidence-based strategy development and better regulation to move towards the modernisation of the framework conditions for Higher Education in their respective countries.
The HARMONY project addresses the process of internationalisation of higher Education, focusing on Internationalisation at Home, in Asian countries as the one that requires immediate institutional response and actions. Enabling Higher Education Institutions to strategically manage internationalisation in the provision of education, research, mobility, and services are regarded to be the project’s overall objective and the main underpinning of Partner countries’ accountable and complementary role in EU-Asia cooperation development. The HARMONY will contribute to this cooperation by the signature of the MoUs.
To achieve this, the European HEIs from Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Lithuania and the 7 Asian PC HEIs will engage in a series of activities that contribute to the following three project specific objectives:
- To outline PC HEIs’ internationalisation landscapes and to identify levels of integration of international and intercultural dimensions into PC HEIs’ formal and informal curriculum.
- To improve PC HEIs’ capabilities for internationalisation through staff trainings and by translating general awareness of the IaH concept into streamlined institutional strategies and Action Plans.
- To build students’ intercultural knowledge and sensitivity to cultural diversity by transforming PC HEIs’ International Relations Offices (IROs) into vibrant multicultural focal points.
The project primary target groups are academics, researchers, students, and administrators who are participating or wish to participate in international collaboration. The qualitative leap in the process of internationalisation they will benefit from, stems from the project’s main outcomes.
The HARMONY project is rooted in the notion of internationalisation at home and strategic management of internationalisation in higher education. The HARMONY PROJECT, through its overall and specific activities and especially outputs on developing and implementing the Internationalisation strategies on Higher Education with main focus on Internationalisation at home issues at institutional levels in each Partner Country, India, Bangladesh and Viet Nam, is addressing the aims and objectives of the Capacity Building action, and particularly “Improving management and operation of Higher Education Institutions and Internationalisation of HEIs”.
The following activities and key outcomes are envisaged in the 36-month long project that started on 15th January 2021:
Country profile on Internationalisation of Higher Education (research and services issues)
University Strategy on Internationalisation
University Action Plan on Internationalisation at Home
Storytelling How-to Manual
Guide for International Students
Established/ consolidated International Relations Office and Projects Office
FRIENDS Teahouse (intercultural hub)
Work Packages Structure
Leader: P2-EPDRI/SI | D1.1 | Methodology for data collection & analysis | A1.1/ Development of methodology, design of data collection tool |
D1.2 | Country profiles | A1.2.1/ Data collection – completion of IaH Self-Evaluation Tool | |
A1.2.2/ Data validation – interview memos | |||
A1.2.3/ Data analysis – country profiles |
| D2.1 | Models of internationalisation from EU partners identified, transferred and implemented in PCs | A2.1.1/ Conduct Study visits to EU partners |
A2.1.2/ Organization IaH Capacity Building Webinars | |||
D2.2. | University strategies on IoHE and research developed and adopted | A2.2.1/ Elaboration & adoption university strategies on IoHE and research | |
A2.2.2/ Elaboration of institutional IaH actions |
| D3.1 | IRO developed and consolidated | A3.1.1/ Conduct Study visits to EU partners |
A3.1.2/ Training on ICM management and IRO development | |||
A3.1.3/ Elaboration of Guide for international Students | |||
D3.2 | Project Offices developed and consolidated | A3.2.1/ Training on EU project management | |
A3.2.2/ Internationalisation of the Research workshop | |||
D3.3 | FRIENDS Teahouses | A3.3.1/ Digital Storytelling: A How-to Manual | |
A3.3.2/ Digital Storytelling Contests | |||
A3.3.3/ Student Boot Camp | |||
A3.3.4/ FRIENDS Teahouses Code of Conduct and Calendar |
| D4.1 | Internal evaluation reports prepared | A4.1.1/ Elaboration of monitoring & evaluation manual |
A4.1.2/ Elaboration of Internal evaluation reports | |||
D4.2 | External evaluation reports prepared | A4.2.1/Elaboration of external reports | |
A4.2.2/Elaboration of advisory recommendations | |||
A4.2.3/ Audit report | |||
D4.3 | Fine-tuning of procedures and regulations realised | A4.3.1/ Organisation, realisation fine-tuning of regulation and procedure |
| D5.1 | International campaign released | A5.1.1/ Elaboration of project`s dissemination strategy |
A5.1.2/ Design of project`s identity, promo materials &web page | |||
A5.1.3/ Organisation and realisation of Launching and Concluding conferences | |||
A5.1.4/ Organisation and realisation of inter-project coaching | |||
D5.2 | National campaign on IoHE development realised | A5.2.1/ Organisation and realisation of National Conference | |
A5.2.2/ Develop a Recommendations on IoHE and research in PCs | |||
A5.2.3/ Dissemination of information on project-related issues in national mass-media | |||
D5.3 | University campaign on IoHE development realised | A5.3.1/ Organisation and realisation of the dissemination events on institutional level | |
A5.3.2/ Publication of articles about project-related events in the institutional newspapers | |||
D5.4 | Inter-institutional Agreements on Cooperation signed | A5.4.1/Preparing and singing of Inter-Institutional Agreements of Cooperation |
| D6.1 | Project coordination performed | A6.1.1/ Project`s Handbook |
A6.1.2/Preparation and signature of the Partnership Agreements | |||
A6.1.3/Organisation and realisation of the Consortium meetings | |||
A6.1.4/Elaboration and submission of the Interim and Final reports | |||
D6.2 | Project financial management performed | A6.2.1/ Realisation of the project financial management |
Management Structure
